International students who pursue a degree will receive a personal invitation to the Orientation Days ("Orientierungstage") to ease their start at JGU.
The Orientation Days take place prior to the starting of the lecture period and last two days:
- On the first day you will learn about legal regulations concerning residence and work permit (Aufenthalts- und Arbeitsbeitsrecht ausländischer Studierender) then make a tour of the campus of JGU with a focus on institutions and people of importance for students in general and for international students like the Data Center, the general university sports program (Allgemeiner Hochschulsport AHS), the Student Union's Canteen, the General Students Committee (Allgemeiner Studierenden Ausschuss AStA), and the President’s Advisor for International Students.
- During the second day, you will obtain an introduction to the usage of examination regulations (Modulhandbüchern and Prüfungsordnungen), to JOGU-StINe, the Student Information Network of JGU, as well as a tour of the University Library.