Advanced Training: Adult Education in Foreign Languages - Language Andragogy (German version)
Center for Intercultural Studies
The Central Library's French Focus
Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos y Transatlánticos - Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos e Transatlânticos (CELTRA) (German Version)
Collegium musicum (German version)
Consortium for Israeli Studies (German Version)
Dijon Office (German Version)
EuropaChorAkademie (German Version)
"EUROMIR" - European Migration Project
Foreign Languages at the International Study and Language Center (ISSK)
German as a Foreign Language (DaF) (German version)
Gutenberg International School
Gutenberg International School Services
Interdisciplinary Research Group for Latin American Studies (IAKLA) (German version)
Interdisciplinary Research Group for North American Studies (IANAS)
International Eugen Fink Research Center for Phenomenological Anthropology and Social Philosophy (German version)
International Maurice Blondel Research Center for Philosophy and Religion (German version)
International Preparatory College Mainz (German version)
Jahn Library for African Literatures
Kant Research Center at the Department of Philosophy
Polonicum Mainz (German version)
The President's Advisor for International Students
Punto di coordinamento Italia (German version)
Study Focus Israel (German version)