If you are going to be accompanied by family members during your stay in Mainz, they must also apply for a visa and/or a residence permit.
Under certain circumstances you can get financial support for family members through your funding institution or through the German state.
More information on child care and schooling options, is available at the Family Services Center of JGU and under the following link.
If your spouse wishes to travel to Germany with you, they will usually be granted the same rights of residence as you have. This right will expire when your own right of residence expires.
A residence permit for a spouse will usually be granted if it is apparent that the subsistence of both partners is assured without the need for social welfare support and these have adequate living space and health insurance cover.
Under the law as it stands, children only have a legal right of residence in Germany if both their parents are holders of a residence permit, the child has not yet reached 16 years of age, and in case its accommodation and financial support are suitably provided for. In other cases, the Foreigners' Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde) will make a decision at its own discretion.