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JGU wants to help its students, researchers and staff who are affected by the emergency situation in Ukraine.
This website compiles information and help offers for people from Ukraine who are in need of help, and for people who would like to help. The website is updated regularly.
This page serves the purpose of providing information. The JGU is not responsible for the content of the particular offers of help. Here you can find the statement of our university on the emergency situation in Ukraine.
If you are affected by the war and need help or, as a JGU member, would like to help, please send an email to
Financial support for refugee students from Ukraine: here.
Contact: AStA Universität Mainz
General information offers:
- Activities regarding the war in Ukraine
The Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies in Germersheim (Polish Department) has set up a website about Russia’s war in Ukraine ("Krieg in der Ukraine: We #StandWithUkraine"). The website provides information and unbiased background reports about the war in Ukraine as well on how to make donations to support the Ukrainian population - Overview of Existing Support Offers DAAD - On this page, the DAAD provides offers of assistance from their partners as well as German and international institutes of higher education.
Help for people in war-related emergencies:
Mental Health Services for Students supports JGU students who are affected by the war in Ukraine with a specific group counseling offer as well as extra office hours for individual counseling. Please read this information to find strategies for dealing with the emotional stress of the war. Mental Health Services for Students works closely with the University Medical Center’s Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.
JGU´s Family Services Center
The Family Service Center supports refugees as well as JGU employees and family members in many matters (e.g. childcare).
Phone: 06161/39-24027
Studierendenwerk Mainz
All Ukrainian students enrolled at a university in Mainz or Bingen can contact the Studierendenwerk Mainz if they need support. Here, various aids (e.g. short-term financial support) are available for students who find themselves in an acute emergency
Phone: 06131/39-24732
Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz
All Ukrainian students in Germersheim can contact the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz if they need support.
Phone: 06341-9179-180 / -181
Assistance with translations and language courses
If you need help with translations or language courses, feel free to contact us.
Help with administrative matters
A group of JGU employees offers help with administrative tasks. If you are interested in this service, please contact
The Refugee Law Clinic Mainz offers free legal advice for refugees in the fields of asylum and residence law as well as civil law issues.
Institute of Art History and Musicology: scholars at risk-Initiative
The Institute of Art History is prepared to host scholars at risk as academic guests. Both researchers and students from Ukraine in the field of art history can contact us.
Contact More Information about Funding and support.
The Kunsthochschule Mainz would like to offer art students from Ukraine, e.g. from the 'National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture of Ukraine', who have fled the war in their home country an unbureaucratic admission as guest students at the Kunsthochschule Mainz. Please send inquiries to
Information on the entry of refugees from Ukraine
- The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community provides current information on entry requirements and further basic information.
Pme Familienservice Rhein-Main supports families of our corporate clients wanting to provide shelter to refugees from Ukraine. As well as refugees looking for short-term housing in Germany. Please use this form to send a housing request.
JGU is not responsible for the content of the following scholarships. For detailed information, please consult the respective funders and/ or institutes.
Studierendenwerk Mainz
Students who need short-term financial support can turn to the Studierendenwerk Mainz. Here, various aids are available for students who find themselves in an acute emergency.
Stipendienstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz (Scholarship Foundation Rhineland-Palatinate)
The Scholarship Foundation Rhineland-Palatinate and the JGU Student Body are providing funds to support students affected by the war in Ukraine with scholarships as a one-time payment. Applications can only be approved if the applying student can prove that they are in a war-related financial emergency.
- Refugee researchers: DFG extends support
The DFG is expanding its support for academics who have fled their home countries. The Walter Benjamin Programme will now also be open to refugee researchers at any stage of their career (complete doctorate required).
The research training group 2516 invites applications for scholarships for Ukrainian doctoral students working on a doctoral project in the field of soft matter who had to leave their country. A master’s degree in physics or chemistry is required. The fellowship is initially limited to six months, an extension is possible. In order to apply or to get more information, please contact
The Institute of Developmental Biology and Neurobiology currently invites applications for PhD and postdoc positions. More information can be found here.
PRISMA+: Scholarships for refugees
The Cluster of Excellence PRISMA+ announces scholarships for students at Ukrainian institutes who have already started a PhD in the field of nuclear, hadron or particle physics and had to leave their country. The prerequisite is a master's degree in physics. The fellowship is initially limited to a maximum of 12 months, but can be extended. To apply or for more information, please contact
TRR 146: Research opportunity for escaped Ukrainian scientists and scholars
The Collaborative Research Center Transregio 146 "Multiscale Simulation Methods for Soft Matter Systems" in Mainz and Darmstadt offers research opportunities to Ukrainian scientists who have fled Ukraine. If you are e.g. a physicist*, chemist*, mathematician*, computer scientist* or engineer* and your research interests fall within the scope of TRR146, please contact us and we will work something out. Please contact
The Collaborative Research Center on "Targeting convergent mechanisms of inefficient immunity in tumors and chronic infections" is primarily seeking graduates in biology, chemistry or biochemistry, but also bioinformaticians. Please contact
The Collaborative Research Center 1292 enables refugeed young scientists to enrich our projects as PhD students. Especially biologists, biochemists, chemists, but also bioinformaticians or similar graduates are sought in individual projects of the consortium. For medical students who want to write a scientific PhD thesis, the CRC offers six-month research fellowships. Please contact Doreen Nothmann if you are interested.
If you want to help:
If you are a JGU member and would like to help, you can find different options here. We are happy to accept and publish further offers to help.
Volunteer at the Consulate General of Ukraine in Frankfurt am Main
The Consulate General of Ukraine in Frankfurt am Main is looking for Ukrainian-speaking volunteers to help refugees from Ukraine (especially in the field of translation). Please use this form to apply.
Ukrainian-speaking volunteers needed
JGU is looking for people with Ukrainian language skills who would like to help flexibly in various areas of tasks, e.g. translating the website, labeling aid deliveries, etc. If you would like to help, please contact:
Please contact us if you would like to offer accommodation to Ukrainian refugees.
If you are looking for help or would like to help, please send an email to